Our Solutions - Co-Op Solution
95% of the population pays out-of-pocket for medical expenses which place 1 in every 500 households a few out-of-pocket health expenses away from bankruptcy, Self-employed Individuals, SMEs, communities, low-income earners and gig workers are excluded from traditional health insurance.
Payer Benefits
- Customized dashboard and multiple access
- Absenteeism management – automated sick leaves/cover notes
- Periodically track and monitor health indices
- Periodically track incidence and cases
- Generate empirical and decision triage reports
User Benefits
- Confidential micro-EHR (for record keeping)
- Service and review rating
- Chat with medical professionals
Service provider benefits
- Periodically evaluate performance indices
- Monitor disease trends and analysis
- Periodically monitor behavioral health patterns
- Periodically track benefit limits and exclusions